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Tel £º 020-8659 3346
020-8621 1426

Contact us

Guangzhou Bilian Biotechnology Co. Ltd
Address : Guangzhou baiyun district JiangGao Town mountain district guo tong village, 242 male Guo Donglu

Tel : 020-8659 3346 / 020-8621 1426
Processing and Sales Tel : 13751882848 / 13434117696 / 13539740895


Guangzhou bilian biotechnology Co. Ltd. Copyright 2017
Tel : 020-8659 3346 / 020-8621 1426
Machining Tel : 020-8659 3346 / 020-8621 1426
Customer service QQ : 2355645108 / 2355645106 / 2355645100
Processing and sales Tel : 13751882848 / 13434117696 / 13539740895